Saturday, October 27, 2012

Check-in and catchup

Hello everyone,

 Since I haven't had some new posts for a while, due to how busy I've been this week, this will be a bit of a longer post and  will introduce some of the topics I will expand on in my next post.

To start, my check in. I now weigh 313 pounds and have lost 2 inches off of my waist! Sad part is I lost a half inch off of my neck too so body fat wise no progress to the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) standards. Meaning, more work to be made.

Second, some of the information I will be putting is this blog is from 101 Easy Ways to Lose Weight and Weight Loss for Men. Those are 2 applications I found in the android play store.

Now, some important details about water in your daily routine. In the morning a nice glass of cold water will help wake you up and alert your body to start motor functions throughout the day. As we all know, water takes up space in your stomach, so it is a good idea to drink a full glass of water before each meal to fill up space without stuffing your face. Also to help fill you up without filling you out is to drink a glass of water during your meal. I like the idea of taking a sip after each bit so its equal portions of food and water giving you a nice full feeling. Another things that I figure is true (sorry no proof to my theory) is that most people add salt and other seasoning to their food so drinking water during your meal will help your body flush out all the extra, unneeded seasonings your body has troubles digesting. More on water will follow in my next post.

Now onto the importance of your meal timing. We all live busy lives and rarely think of how important it can be to eat around the same time each day. If you develop a routine eating schedule it will help you keep bodily regularity that helps from a bold up junk in your digestive track. This build up prevents your body from absorbing the good nutrients through the digestive process. This can prevent your body from delivering very important nutrients to your blood stream and to the other organs in your body. The biggest thing with all of this is starting your day off on the right track.The best thing you can do for your body is to eat within 1 hour of waking up. The reason this is so important is because it will energize your body by replenishing what has been burnt throughout your night of sleeping. Starting off your day with an energized body will keep you going for your long day and if all goes well, you will get home from work and have ambition to workout. An important note about breakfast, don't wake up and grab a sugar filled donut , pop tart, or any other sugary filled food.  I will elaborate  why in my next post.

Leading off of breakfast, I want to take about coffee. Most people grab a nice cup of coffee in the morning for that caffeine jolt or because it is routine. I read some troubling details about coffee I never thought of and makes me worried about my coffee habit.  To start, the beginning of the coffee making process. When coffee is a plant it is treated with pesticides and other chemicals much like the other foods we eat, depending on where it is from and how it is processed. Those pesticides and chemicals can interfere with your body in many different ways that we may not even realize is happening. The next part is the preparation of your coffee in the morning. Are you adding creamer and sugar? If so; you're setting up your body for failure later in the day. You're leading your body to a sugar crash and messing with your  brain receptors. In the process of interfering with your brain receptors you're causing your adrenal glands to either slow down- leading to weight gain later on, or causing them( the adrenal glands) to go into over drive. Over drive can lead to adrenal failure (so can slowing them down) and other side effects. The adrenal gland is essential in our bodies to keep your body going at a consistent pace throughout our days. The last thing I'll mention with coffee, is that it can lead to ritual eating. When you have coffee there's usually a certain food your grab for. Whats yours? For most people it's a donut, danish, or some other sugary goodie and we all know where that leads. It is easy for little things like that become bad habits and don't realize it until someone points it out to us.

To conclude this blog I'll here are the links to 2 of my Pinterest boards:( Click on the titles below and they will send you there)
There are some really good things I have found and repined, and would like to share them with you. I update on pinterest pretty frequently and am usually amazed on some of the things I find on there.

Til next time,

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